As Board members, you are in a unique position to help steward and lead purpose-driven organisations. You are critical to organisational success and sustainability. How you work together, get the best from each other’s diverse skills and become enterprising and innovative while staying true to your mission, are all key in determining your contribution.
While much emphasis and excellent training is available on good governance and your role and responsibility, this complementary support programme provides an opportunity to reflect more on your role as a leaders. It will help you to explore your individual and collective strengths as well as mindset and the quality of your interactions with each other and senior staff in the organisation. It can provide you space to reflect on your direction as an organisation and what that will require from you as the Board. The aim of the support is to strengthen you as a Board and help you to build stronger and more resilient organisations.
Boards that would like to focus on some or all of these areas:
- Being more strategic and working more effectively with senior staff in the organisation.
- Learning more about each other’s leadership style and how to get the best from each other.
- Enhancing the way you communicate and work together ensuring more effective discussions and decisions.
- Exploring how you become more enterprising as an organisation while staying on mission and purpose.
- Looking at the long-term strategy so you can help build greater organisational sustainability and impact.
- Succession planning or expanding your Board.
This is a unique opportunity as a Board, to focus on how you move from good to great, supported by a facilitator with vast personal board experience.
It is an opportunity to explore and progress the issues that you feel will help to strengthen you as a Board and help your organisation to be sustainable.
Whether it is challenges you are currently facing as a Board or opportunities that you would like to pursue, this is a chance to commit to working together on your future.
The programme is flexible and will be driven by your individual needs and circumstances. It aims to fit in with your own capacity and the facilitator is available to arrange sessions during the day or early evenings. Together with the senior leader in your organisation and the facilitator, you will set the agenda and focus for the support programme. You will have 10 hours to use over a number of months in whatever way you feel will be most beneficial. For example, following the first session, you may want another 3 hours together as a Board and then a few one-to-one phone calls with some further time all together. The only requirements are that your first session with the facilitator will need to consist of all Board members and the senior staff member.
The programme will be delivered with an interactive approach. You will work together to explore the topics you have identified in a practical and solution-focused way. The programme relies on the group supporting each other to learn and develop and strengthen the way you steward the organisation.
The programme is aimed at Boards who are prepared to pause and reflect on your role as leaders and how you work together. It aims to help you gain greater personal and collective insight, different perspectives and new approaches to building a sustainable longer-term future for the organisation you help to lead.
- As there are a limited number of places available on this programme it will involve a competitive two stage application process.
- Before applying you will need the full support of all Board members and your organisation’s senior leader who will be part of the development support.
- As part of application process you will need to identify some areas you would like to focus on and explain how the support will benefit your organisation.
This programme is fully funded by Scottish Government through Just Enterprise
Delivery Method:
This programme can be delivered using a combination of online and in-person sessions but we recommend that the first session is held in person.